Young Dracula Wiki
Notable Members

Count Dracula

Vladimir Dracula

Ingrid Dracula

Will Clarke (dead, half fang)

Ivan Dracula

The grand high vampire (dead)

Justice Moori (dead)

Magda Westenra

Krone Westenra

Atilla Westenra


Ryan (Erin's half fang brother)

Count Dracos

Vampires are undead beings like that of popular literature. A stake through the heart and garlic cause them harm. The main difference is that most vampires are born from two undead parents and for the first 16 years of their life they are close to being normal. On their 16th birthday they go through a transformation and gain all vampiric abilities and weaknesses (like aversion to direct UV light).

As a fully fledged vampire they gain many abilities: Super speed that borders on teleportation, the ability to hypnotise humans and the ability to create a fireball which can be thrown. They can also shapeshift, the range of this ability is unknown but we see a vampire turn into smoke and a bat (one was able to turn into a wolf in a dream). Vampires can also open and close doors with a click of the fingers and ignite and put out candles with a wave of the hand. The count is seen to remove his soul from his body and posses a human but it is unknown whether this a common vampiric trait or just the count's ability. Vampires can be awake in the day and as long as they don't come into direct contact with UV light they won't die.

The ruling of the vampire race is done by the Vampire High Council whose leader is the Grand High Vampire. We know only 3 other members, Krone and Atilla Westenra (Vlad's maternal grandparents) and Justice Moori who was killed by Boris Dracula.

'Half-fangs', once bitten, don't all change at once (apparently due to what blood type they have). It's possible that different blood types unconsciously resist the change but this is not proven.
